Rooms, conferences, meetings

Whether you are organizing a business lunch, a meeting, a team-building training, or a smaller conference, we have the perfect venue for you. The convenient location, free parking, the available technical equipment, and natural light ensure a comfortable work environment. All restaurant services are available to our partners during events.

Gerendás Room

90 m2 + 60 m2
40-120 person

Téglás Room

51 m2 + 39 m2
25-50 person

Blue Salon

58 m2 + 32 m2
25-55 person

White Room

42 m2
15-26 person


370 m2
100 person

Conference Room

x m2
x person
RoomGerendás RoomTéglás RoomWhite RoomBlue SalonTerraceConference Room
Size 90 m2 + 90 m2 51 m2 + 39 m2 42 m2 58 m2 + 32 m2 370 m2 x m2
Serial 120 person 60 person 30 person 60 person - x person
U-shape 40 person 40 person - 35 person - x person
Classroom - 30 person 15 person 20 person - x person
Standing reception 130 person 70 person 20-30 person 60 person - x person
With separate tables 120 person 50 person 28 person 55 person - x person
Air-conditioned yes yes yes yes - yes
Natural light few yes, it can be darkened yes, it can be darkened few - yes, it can be darkened
Direct toilet connection yes yes yes yes - yes

Technical equipment

Projection screen
Sound system

Event request for proposals

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Event details

Accomodation requirement


Technical need


Gift voucher

The best gift is an experience

Are you looking for a birthday, a wedding, an anniversary or a Christmas gift?
A vacation, a relaxing retreat, or a gastronomic experience might just be the idea you were looking for!

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